What to do when death occursWhen death occurs at home you should notify your General Practitioner or the doctor on duty who will perform the examination and take arrangements concerning the transportation of the deceased. It is advisable to ask the future funeral service provider’s help with the transportation of the deceased. The doctor should be informed about this fact and the selected method of burial (cremation, burial). The General Practitioner issues the death examination certificate. If there is cremation without an autopsy, the permit of the ÁNTSZ (National Public Health and Medical Officer Service) Chief Medical Officer is also necessary before the death certificate can be issued by the Registrar.The following documents are necessary for the death certificate:If the deceased is married:
If the deceased is a widow/widower:
If the deceased is divorced:
If the deceased is single:
If the doctor performing the examination is other than the General Practitioner, the consent of the General Practitioner is also necessary for cremation in Veszprém County. For the transportation of the deceased, call our round-the-clock transportation hotline: 20/9353-053, 88/562-445When death occurs in a hospital, the personal belongings of the deceased shall be taken over at the department where the deceased was treated, and here, you can also ask for the omission of autopsy, for which the permit of the head of the Pathology Department and the Hospital Director is also needed. The death examination certificate is issued by the Pathology Department. It is advisable to take clothing for the deceased. In police cases (accident, suicide), the death examination certificate and the funeral permit are issued by the police, following the autopsy. In towns and smaller settlements funerals are arranged according to the local and church customs and the wishes of the family. Our full-range arrangements in administration and organisation and high-quality funeral services allow us to assist and support people at the time of their need. IMPORTANT!If you turn to us, we make all the hospital arrangements.Other services: